CHERYL HUNTBACH - "In my practice, I use meticulous and repetitive processes. Working within prescribed perimeters in order to explore and push the nuances of drawing."
ROGER BERRY - "I have previously experimented with CNC machinery that has allowed me to explore the random use of paintbrush strokes on a static surface. Random use of colours also created rather interesting results, but the use of indian inks doesn't work because all colours ultimately turn brown in a short period of time."
MATT PARKES - "I like to think of this technology as a way of making people that are artistically inclined able to have full control over the output of their work."
JAMES SMART - "I come from a fine art background, and have experimented with the exploration of materials and investigating the process of making. This has now extended into software/computers and related technology."
TOM - KNAPP "I have primarily used computers as a way of creating music and to set up a system that I can interact with, the majority of what I do is live performance and I have also used audio to drive real-time computer graphic systems."
ZOE MOYDEN - "My work is largely based around the experience of reading and interacting with books, this ranges from the process of making books in an extremely labour intensive manner to the act of submerging yourself into the literature itself. I ultimately explore literature as a means of art."
ELISA HEIKKILA - "My work explores the notions of female identity and the way that this can change throughout life experiences, such as motherhood."
ADAM CLULEY - "My body of work explores the notions of space and environment and the investigation of utopias and dystopias, with my current project I aim to draw comparisons between solitary and social microcosms. "
DAN ROBINSON - "I work with events and images of events, often drawings. I like to use different time-scales, so for example a drawing proposes an event, an event happens and then further images document it. I'm really interested in this clash of digital and analogue.
In my teaching practice I work with collaboration and bringing together different disciplines. For this workshop, I believe it's really important that teaching staff, technical staff and students are all working together, outside the confines of their normal roles."
CAROL SOWDEN - "My work explores the natural world and the physicality of the land and it's material. The processes that I use and the rawness of such materials is extremely important to me."
KATIE BROADLEY - "My current practice explores rules, boundaries and obstruction. It is these themes that I want to apply to Processing by generating digital instruction that stretches the boundaries of the process.
VARSHA CHOUHAN - "I explore the concept of globalisation of beauty and the ideals created, this is largely from a female perspective, i also explore identity and gender sexuality with regards to varying cultures. At the moment I'm looking at the relationship between human emotions and hair. I have touched upon hair being a symbol of beauty and I am interested in how this can quickly become the abject."
GINA STOCKWELL - "I am largely concerned with mental health issues and the way that the human brain and emotions work, I like to explore the relationship between fantasy and reality. Through digital media I explore manipulation of images, mirroring how the mind can manipulate the perception of reality when faced with such chemical imbalance."
PATRICK KIRK-SMITH- "Processing is not a method that I use in my practice generally, but I am interested in manipulating code using automated software to generate text."
JOANNA GELDARD - "I've landed from a greenhouse, I explore the edge of spaces, so I work with diagrams, maps and blueprints to reinterpret voids, this means I have used a variety of processes from technical through to performance."
PAULA CHAMBERS - "I am a 3D artist who subverts objects, I am exploring what it means to inhabit a female body in the 21st Century, i use contextually relevant materials and processes, this creates strong narrative themes and imagery."